MÁRMOL - Declaración total de guerra LP
MÁRMOL - Declaración total de guerra LP
Really pleased to present you the new Marmol´s full length which we are happy to co-release with some other amazing labels.
In the last years, they have been a new wave of bands playing post-punk in the Spanish state and Mármol represents the more political side of those bands. In their second full-length, Mármol offers 9 new songs full of haunting melodies and militant hymns oscillating between melodic Punk and Post-Punk, even with some pop reminiscences.
Commitment and good work go hand in hand in this amazing record that we love and we are amazed to present it to you. If you are into bands like Litovsk, Chain Cult or Spectres, don’t miss this!
Pressing Information
800 black vinyl